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Junior Development (year 'round program)
Autumn/Winter schedule, 2021/2022


Our junior instructional program is offered year 'round. Our players compete in summer USTA  junior team tennis (jtt), middle school tennis, high school tennis and individual USTA tournaments. We take great pride in developing fundamentally sound players and providing an environment that keeps your child in the game thru high school and beyond. 


JD is currently in session with upcoming clinic sessions slated March 19-May 22. Weather related make-ups are scheduled on back end of prepaid sessions. Juniors are grouped according to skill level with consideration to age. Clinic size is limited to ensure appropriate student/teacher ratio.


Spring Junior Development

Day and Time                                 Skill Level

Mon 3:30-4:00 pm                          5u "mom and me"

Mon 5:30-6:30 pm                          8u low compression tennis balls

Mon/Wed 4:00-5:30 pm             12u low compression tennis balls

Tue/Thu 4:00-5:30 pm                16u beginner/intermediate adult tennis balls


P​​lease contact Alan for additional information at or 870-351-5333.




USTA Junior Team Tennis 

2024 summer USTA junior team tennis (jtt) is a great way to introduce your child to competition in a fun first, team format. We plan on fielding teams in the 10u, 12u, 14u and 18u age divisions at your child's appropriate skill level. USTA jtt skill levels range from beginner thru advanced.


Season runs June thru July (off the week of July 4th). Matches are played 1x per week on weekdays with specific day/time for certain age/skill levels. We do not expect players to be available for every match due to summer vacations. We try to play everyone an equal number of matches based upon availability. Our rosters are due mid to late May. Roster formation is currently underway. Limited slots available.


In order to play at the most  beginner levels of USTA jtt, we expect our juniors to somewhat be able to serve with consistency and somewhat be able to keep the ball in play. They must be able to keep score and change sides without assistance. Basic knowledge of doubles is expected as well at the most beginner levels.


Coming soon ...  Junior Team Tennis

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